Tuesday 18 January 2011


This weekend I flew to Newcastle for a Masters interview. I think it went okay, but it was all in groups so there is literally no way of telling - I am not getting my hopes up.

Unfortunately, I do not have any amusing anecdotes to tell. I did leave my passport on the plane (coming back) when getting off it, which luckily somebody picked up and gave to a security woman who ran after me and caught up with me at Border Control (I had realised by then). So that was nice, if thoroughly retarded on my part, and thanks mysterious person for not stealing my identity! I saw a guy with a pink Betty Boop suitcase, which delighted me inordinately. I assume he had a girlfriend or a female relation, but I didn't see them anywhere!

Newcastle was very cold and my best friend texted me to tell me she was in Bondi while I was trudging through the grey streets - jealousy does not even come close to describing my emotions! It's cold back in Paris now, which I am gutted about (though not entirely surprised by), as I spent all of Saturday walking round the 20th arrondissiment in just my hoody. I had entertained the hope that maybe - just maybe - winter had gone! But no, as Dani says, he 'ad just taken a leetle weekend break, but ee is back now, fully revitalised. (He's French, obviously)

Katherine and I went to various parks in the 20th - Parc de Belleville and Parc des Buttes Chaumont, and they were excellent! It was a wonderful, sunny day, and we walked round for ages. We were going to go to Pere LaChaise cemetery (of Oscar Wilde burial fame) but it shuts really early, so we walked down Canal St Martin instead, which was very pretty but had fewer dead famous people than Pere LaChaise. Here are some photos of Saturday:

Canal St. Martin

Parc des Buttes-Chaumont

Sacre Coeur!

View from Parc de Belleville


  1. lol butte. what's not an amusing anecdote about leaving your passport on the plane?! x

  2. I think you'll notice that I said 'I did leave', which was meant to indicate me realising 'oh, this is actually pretty funny'.
