Friday 4 March 2011

Sleep deprivation made me do it.

Have a picture of two dinosaur bracelets fighting it out on my bed. You are welcome.

So, I am still getting on well with the kids. It is kind of freaky, and I am not sure if I can deal with it for much longer. Where is all the whining and the anger and the me completely losing my shit with them? Today I read smallest child a story about dinosaurs. It was adorable. He is generally pretty freaking adorable, though he manages to avoid being too adorable for life by pooing in his pants every now and again and making me deal with the consequences. Honestly? That kind of behaviour would destroy my love for my own flesh and blood.

On Tuesday I had a fun ten hour jaunt to England for an interview at Sheffield University.
In summary: I got up at 6am, walked up a hill, took two trains and a bus to the airport, got on a plane in France, got off a plane in England, got a coach, got a tram, walked a long way in shoes that were too small, met a lot of nice girls, blustered my way through an interview, walked even further in shoes that were too small, bought some new shoes, got on a train, nearly missed my connection, got on another train, got on the Eurostar in England, got off the Eurostar in France, got four trains home, walked up a hill and collapsed into bed at 1am.

The next day I decided that, rather than staying in and having an early night to recover from aforementioned exhausting day, it would be a really good idea to go to a concert! Yeah! Woo! *twitch*

It was due to start at 7.30pm, so naturally we were a good hour and a half late and arrived a mere ten minutes before Stromae came on stage in all his nerdy cardiganed, bow tied glory. It was amazing. I obviously already liked his music, but he was also an excellent performer, and super funny. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that he'd talk in French, given that all his music is in French, but there we are. That's how deeply immersed I am in French culture: people speaking in French still come as a surprise. I understood the majority of what he said though, so I appear to have accidentally assimilated some French despite largely ignoring its existence most of the time.

Currently I am sitting at home on a Friday night, and it's 11.30pm and I am so happy I am not doing something to burn my body out any more. I ache from tired. (That being said, I finished watching a movie an hour ago but couldn't quite bring myself to go to bed at 10.30 on a Friday evening. I may be losing my mental capacities because I am so tired, but damned if I'm going to lose any of my extensive street cred by having an early night on a Friday. No sir. Not this crazy kid.)

Oh dear. Goodnight.

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