Tuesday 22 February 2011


It's February half term time! Two weeks of sick, mopey children mopin' around the place being all mopey and sick. Yes, that's right. Two weeks. Sick, mopey children. You heard me correctly! Last week, due to aforementioned sick, mopey children, I didn't leave the house for five whole days. I would put lots of exclamation marks after that sentence but it goes against my moral standing. I shall, instead, repeat it for emphasis: FIVE WHOLE DAYS. That is a very, very long time. I went out Friday evening with my friends and got overly hysterical - even more so than usual, which is pretty hysterical, I'm not going to lie.

This week, their dad is off work, which has mildly improved the situation but I still haven't left the house for TWO WHOLE DAYS. Smallest child is super sick, so I had to look after him this morning while he was mopin' around watching TV. More mopin' and sickin'. Eugh.

If I don't get sick soon, I am going to be very surprised.

Positive aspects of this holiday:
1. I got to eat lunch in front of the TV last Thursday.
2. The house is nice and tidy.
3. I haven't actually murdered any of them yet. Or even wanted to! This is a long term positive.
4.Today the girls went to Musée d'Orsay with their dad and bought an awesome picture book back with them.
5. On Friday, Dani and I made tuna pasta bake which was excellent even though I do say so myself.

That's all I've got. Happy holidays!

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